
この記事を書いた人 Avatar photo 琉球新報社

 アカデミー賞を受賞した映画監督のオリバー・ストーン氏が、「戦後70年 止めよう辺野古新基地建設!沖縄県民大会」に寄せたメッセージは次の通り。

You have my respect and support for your protest on May 17. I cannot be with you in person, but in spirit. Your cause is a just one.
A new mega‐base built in the name of ‘deterrence’ is a lie. Another lie told by the American Empire to further its own goal of domination throughout the world. Fight this monster. Others like you are fighting it on so many fronts throughout the globe. It is a fight for peace, sanity, and the preservation of a beautiful world.
