Ryukyushimpo Multilingual NEWS

この記事を書いた人 Avatar photo 琉球新報社

Okinawa news to the world!We provide the latest information on Okinawa in multiple languages.

From Okinawa’s military base issues to traditional culture such as KARATE, we introduce a wide range of the latest information in English.
Also the latest information on Okinawa is delivered in Chinese to Okinawa fans in Taiwan and to those studying the language.

【Click here for the 7th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival feature article.】
【Haga clic aquí para ver el artículo sobre el 7mo Festival Mundial del Uchinanchu.






Okinawa news to the world!We provide the latest information on Okinawa in multiple languages.
From Okinawa’s military base issues to traditional culture such as KARATE, we introduce a wide range of the latest information in English.


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