

沖繩飯店業者推出的「空中計程車」 外出旅遊怕塞車?沖繩飯店業者幫你解決!喜璃癒志(KARIYUSHI HOTELS)日前宣布與直升機運營公司Space Avia ...

Third graders at Kubura Elementary School in Yonaguni observe an atlas moth from egg to maturity<英語ニュース>

2022/07/27 #English

Peace Memorial Museum welcomes eight-millionth visitor: 22 years of telling the realities of war<英語ニュース>

2022/07/27 #English

疫情搗亂! 沖繩全島太鼓舞節順延 拚年底前舉辦

天花板長出苦瓜?星野 「BEB5沖繩瀨良垣」青旅開幕!29歲以下1方案更便宜

Myoubukan raises two new 10th dan karate masters, hold performance and ceremony at Cape Zanpa Park<英語ニュース>

2022/07/19 #English

20 varieties of use-prohibited substances detected in groundwater south of Kadena Air Base<英語ニュース>

2022/07/19 #English

Experts Criticize Lack of Concrete Response as Covid-19 Spreads in Okinawa

2022/07/16 #English

Camp Hansen live-ammunition training continues after bullet-like object hits private residence<英語ニュース>

2022/07/12 #English

Gamafuya’s Gushiken Speaks at the United Nations, Says “Bases Infringe on Right to Autonomy”<英語ニュース>

2022/07/12 #English

Sun-drying Delicious Squid in Ojima Island<英語ニュース>

2022/07/05 #English

Nanjo City students discover the origin of Ojima Island’s dragon boat race<英語ニュース>

2022/07/05 #English

Are you aware of the “Life is a Treasure” stone monument next to the Cornerstone of Peace?<英語ニュース>

2022/07/05 #English



Spreading peace in the world with karate – participants gather for inter-school karate training followed by a silent prayer

2022/07/01 #English

Prayers for a World Free from War on Okinawa Memorial Day

2022/06/28 #English

Great granddaughter of war dead recites peace poem dedicated to Okinawa Memorial Day

2022/06/28 #English